10 Saga Moments That Shocked The World

7. Marko's Grandparents Arrive - Saga #6

Saga The Will
Image Comics

Unless they're wise, peaceful elders, grandparents tend to not show up in comics. Hell, unless they're a mentor to a protagonist, the elderly, in general, are exiled away from the annals of the inked page, only brought out in unusual exceptions.

Which is why it's such a surprise when Marko's grandparents appear in issue 6 of the series. Initially, this surprise is because they teleport into the spaceship Marko and Alana are using to escape their latest threat, and try to kill Alana as they don't know about her relationship (and child) with Marko.

Even after this is cleared up, the pair remained interesting - and surprising - characters. Marko's mother ends up being an inspirational speaker in a prison, and Marko's dad ends up dying in order to power the ship to save his family.

Crucially, it's also undeniably shocking that both end up immediately and eternally loving their grandchild, despite the fact they are veterans of the war against Alana's winged kind. That said, it's also totally heartwarming, because the love they have for Hazel overcomes every conceivable boundary imaginable.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.