10 Saga Moments That Shocked The World

6. Mister Heist Dies - Saga #17

Saga The Will
Image Comics

For a series that largely focuses around the importance of being peaceful and loving those around you, Saga sure has a whole lot of death. And it rarely skimps on the details, either, as every single demise is shown in soul-destroying high definition - and in an art style so beautiful that it makes these moments still aesthetically pleasing.

No death shows this quite as well as the death of Mister Heist, who wrote the book that would bring Marko and Alana together despite them being soldiers on different sides of a war. When the pair go to visit - and to show that the philosophical statements Heist made in his novels were understood are made real through the birth of Hazel - they accidentally lead to the old man's death.

But it's not just any death, of course, because this is Saga we're talking about. No, Oswald is subjected to the especially awful end of having his eye pierced open with a blade that then goes through his brain, immediately killing him. The worst part? It wasn't even done by someone who was actually trying to kill him. Fate is cruel like that.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.