10 Secret Wolverine Superpowers You Never Knew

4. Psychological Scar Tissue

Wolverine Chains
Marvel Comics

To say that Wolverine's back story is complicated is like saying Brock Lesnar is kind of tough - technically true but incredibly underwhelming.

Until 2005's House of M storyline, Logan had no clear idea of his real history. He had been brainwashed, had memories implanted as part of his Weapon X training, been lied to and betrayed by those he was closest to, lived multiple lives and occupations, had dozens of love interests, and travelled the world over and over. The late '80s and '90s Wolverine comics basically built their foundation on the fact that Wolverine had no clue who he really was.

An offshoot of Logan's advanced healing factor is the concept that he has unusually high resilience for psychological damage - his healing ability actively works to suppress memories in which he experiences distress, loss, injury, or even death and resurrection. This increased resilience, which Emma Frost, a former X-Men enemy-turned-member calls mental 'scar tissue', prevents the immense amount of trauma Logan has experienced in his life from completely overwhelming him.

So, while Wolverine now has his entire life's memories unlocked, his brain works overtime to keep those centuries of experiences from turning him into a complete mental wreck who has seen probably hundreds of people he has loved die, as well as thousands more die at his hands.

Maybe he was better off in the '90s...

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Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.