10 Secret Wolverine Superpowers You Never Knew

3. Resistance To Mental Telepathy And Psychic Attacks

Wolverine Chains
20th Century Studios

The X-Men's world is full of mutants whose abilities include being able to reach into the minds of others. Sometimes it's to glean information, sometimes to provide healing, sometimes to torment, and sometimes to simply kill.

Wolverine's healing factor and the psychological scar tissue referred to earlier, give him an edge over many of these mutants. The combination of these two, along with Logan's own fierce spirit and mental discipline, means that his mind can't be probed and poked the way those of other mutants and humans can. In the same way that his brain is constantly protecting him from traumatic memories, it is actively working to resist psychic attacks.

This has occasionally caused unexpected issues for Logan. During times that allied mutants like Jean Grey or Professor X tried to help Logan recover memories to untangle his past, his mind unconsciously put up roadblocks that prevented them from entering his thoughts. If Logan concentrates and focuses on what's happening, he can 'drop' these psychic shields, but he is still a tough nut to crack.

In addition to his own natural resistance, given that a Wolverine who was being controlled by an enemy would be a very lethal circumstance, Professor X has implanted further psionic shielding in Logan's mind, rendering the landscape of his thoughts off-limits to all but the most powerful mutants in the Marvel canon.

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Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.