10 Secrets Of Neil Gaiman’s Death Of The Endless

5. Everywhere, All The Time

Sandman Death
DC Comics

Death is omnipresent. She can appear anywhere, at any moment. She can be taking a soul on Earth, taking all the souls on a planet being consumed by its own sun, and the soul of a mathematical concept all in the same second. She can even enter most magical realms of beings greater than hers if she shows the proper respect.

It is not a matter of multiple versions of Death being in different places at the same time. These are not always forms that can be seen by humans. Death can only be seen when she chooses to be seen and takes on the appearance that best serves beings whose souls she is taking.

There is only one Death and she is everywhere that a being is dying and she is there to usher their soul on to the next plane of existence. Young or old. Natural causes, taken by disease or acts of foul play, everyone gets the same thing… they get a lifetime. As she has often said, she is neither merciful nor terrible, it is her job and she does it. And will continue to do the job until the last thing in the universe dies.

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death Sandman
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John Wilson has been a comic book and pop culture fan his entire life. He has written for a number of websites on the subject over the years and is especially pleased to be at WhatCulture. John has written two comic books for Last Ember Press Studio and has recently self-published a children's book called "Blue." When not spending far too much time on the internet, John spends time with his lovely wife, Kim, their goofy dog, Tesla, and two very spoiled cats.