10 Shocking Times The Justice League Turned On Each Other

5. Identity Crisis

Superman Vs Wonder Woman
DC Comics

This list's most divisive entry had promise but ended up portraying its heroes in a negative light. It is also the only entry on this list that does not feature a hero in any physical peril due to the actions of another hero (at least directly), but the consequences of their interactions are just as severe.

Following the murder of the Elongated Man's wife, the League launches an investigation with Doctor Light as the primary suspect. As more heroes' loved ones lose their lives to the killer, it is revealed that various League members urged Zatanna to mindwipe Doctor Light in the past with the intent of making him more docile and ineffectual.

In addition to this, Batman himself was mindwiped when he objected to this act.

The latter revelation sends shockwaves through the team as some question its ethics. Despite the murderer being identified and apprehended, the League is shaken and an internal rift grows that leads to the team's collapse ahead of Infinite Crisis.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.