10 Strangest Batman Crossovers Ever

4. Batman And Tarzan - Claws Of The Catwoman

Batman Elmer Fudd Looney Tunes Crossover
DC Comics

DC and Dark Horse Comics (who owned the licence to Tarzan at the time) come together again to bring this exciting crossover to life in a four-issue mini-series.

Batman helps Tarzan protect an African cult from a two-faced mercenary called Finnigan Dent... who naturally gets half of his face clawed off.

Remind you of anybody?

Batman and Tarzan work well together as they bond over being orphaned men who have pushed their minds and bodies to the peak of human performance.

The two characters also explain their peacekeeping methods to each other with Batman refusing to kill under any circumstance. However, Tarzan will kill in self-defence or in the defence of others.

Bruce Wayne has set up a wing in Gotham's museum in memory of his parents and commissioned Finnegan Dent to find local artifacts to fill it with.

When Dent steals something he shouldn't have from a hidden African community, Memmon, Bruce is introduced to Tarzan who has come back to adopt his inheritance.

Although the comic is named Claws of Cat-Woman, this isn't about Selina Kyle, but Princess Khefretari of Memmon who very much falls into the role of the victim of the story.


Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.