10 Strangest Jack Kirby Creations

8. Abominable Snowman

Abominable This Kirby creation saw its usefulness run out fairly quickly, only being featured in seven comics in its tenure. Abominable Snowman first appears in Tales to Astonish #13 from 1960. Carl Hanson is an explorer who overhears talk about a photo of an abominable snowman whilst traveling in Calcutta. As any explorer worth his salt would do, Hanson decides to steal the photo, against the caution that the photo was actually cursed. As he climbs higher up the mountain where the photo was supposedly taken, his hair grows longer and longer until he resembles something like the Geico caveman. Looking down at the photo, he realizes that he had, in fact, become the very thing that he was hunting. Enter Rod Serling stage right. Any need for the Abominable Snowman in the world is very few and far between, as he lacks any real power aside from having hair protrude from most parts of his body. In his defense, however, he does help out Nick Fury and his Howling Commandos once or twice.
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