10 Strangest Jack Kirby Creations

6. Ego The Living Planet

Ego Ego the Living Planet is literally a planet with a giant face that first appears in 1966€™s Thor #132. Much like many of Marvel€™s other space creations of the time, Ego loves to eat things up in space, such as ships and sometimes other planets. However, Ego gets a strong taste of what goes around comes around, as Galactus shows up looking for a snack. Together with Thor, Ego is able to repel Galactus and live another day. Plus, he even volunteers to house the Wanderers, a race of people who had been displaced by Galactus, on his stony body. Now, that's just good karma. Putting the fact that Ego is a sentient rock with a giant face aside, one of the things that sets Ego apart is that he€™s one sassy planet. As his name suggests, he has a problem with his, well, ego. Ego has a superiority complex and often gets emotional when things get tough. That doesn't bode well for many, as it's rumored that Ego is an emotional eater.
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