10 Strangest Jack Kirby Creations

5. The Vagabond Prince

Vagabond Prince The Vagabond Prince is Ned Oakes, an aspiring poet who writes greeting cards for a living. He is the rightful heir and owner of Eston City, the place where he calls home. When gangsters try to intimidate him into signing his land over, he is cast out onto the streets penniless. Looking to seek revenge, he and his trusty side kick, Chief Justice, attempt to clean up the crime in Eston City. Now, Vagabond Prince€™s origin story isn't terribly unfamiliar in classic comic book canon. A wealthy man tries to fight crime after some great injustice is dealt to him. The thing that sets Vagabond Prince apart however, is how disjointed he is as a character. You can look past the strange and out of place references to classic literature, but his outfit just doesn't seem to fit with his character. Why Kirby decided to dress the Vagabond Prince as a nutcracker or marching band member still remains a mystery.
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