10 Strangest Justice League Villains Of All Time

8. The Hypothetical Woman

Justice League vs Funky Flashman
DC Comics

Leader of the Hypothetical Army, and Captain of the world's dumbest names to ever feature in a comic, The Hypothetical Woman is proof that sometimes people do just use a random word generator to create some of their character names.

The Hypothetical Woman exists in maybe the single weirdest comic of the entire JLA: Classified series, which goes through miniature Starros, murderous dictators, and just a healthy dose of human experimentation. Of this, The Hypothetical Woman is the most interesting aspect - hence why the storyline is named after her - as she is essentially able to create superhero by bestowing them with powers.

For the majority of her time in the comic, Sybil is held in stasis, only appearing to the unconscious soldiers she gives powers to in their dreams. In fact, the same issue that The Hypothetical Woman is freed from her prison, she is also killed by the aforementioned dictator, proving that sometimes napping is better for you than confronting the world.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.