10 Strangest Members Of The Suicide Squad

1. The Writer (Grant Morrison)

King Shark Suicide Squad DC Comics
DC Comics

Introduced in the pages of 1990's Animal Man by writer Grant Morrison, The Writer, real name Grant Morrison, is a writer, a character, a cameo, a supervillain, some self-promotion, and the strangest member of the Suicide Squad.

Writing their self into their comic as a character with the ability to rewrite reality by changing a comic book's script (and break the fourth wall), Grant Morrison became a powerful force in the DC Universe. Originally introduced as a sentient framework for Animal Man to relay backstory to, they then became the story's villain and was eventually drafted into working with the Suicide Squad.

Arriving on the pages of Suicide Squad, Grant claimed that they had written their self as a comic book character and was now part of the DC Universe's continuity, but someone else was controlling them, i.e. Suicide Squad writer John Ostrander. Entirely self-aware, referential - clearly an inspiration for Marvel's Deadpool - Morrison could have easily been one of DC's most powerful characters, with the ability to do anything.

Appearing as a member of Task Force X during an assault on the Amazonian warrior known as Circe, Morrison was expected to use their laptop and reality-rewriting powers to turn the comic in the Suicide Squad's favour. Unfortunately, Morrison was suffering from writer's block at the time and couldn't write fast enough - leading to their death at the hands of one of Circe's Beastiamorphs.

Sometimes, you just can't make comics up. In Morrison's case, you really can.

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Eden Luke McIntyre is a Scottish writer, editor and script consultant, with an MA in TV Fiction Writing. He writes content for TV, radio, stage, and online, and was appointed as a BBC Writers Room Scottish Voice in early 2020. Eden can usually be found rambling about Doctor Who, The Beatles, and obscure things that no one cares about.