10 Strangest Spider-Man Villians

7. Slyde

Stilt-Man Spider-Man Daredevil
Marvel Comics

First sliding onto comic book pages in 1985, this villain is not exactly one of Marvel's best characters they have written, even if he has a pretty nifty costume.

Jalome Beacher, a chemical engineer working for Beemont Manufacturing, created a substance that made all surfaces completely frictionless. Sadly, he was let go from his job after the company was bought, with Beacher's new bosses not being particularly keen on his experiments. Wanting to continue his work, Jalome turned to crime, robbing banks and easily escaping in a suit coated in his slippery substance.

Although Slyde's suit allowed him to become a master escape artist - evading both the police and Spider-Man with relative ease - his powers never made him a significant threat to New York or ol' Web-head. The rogue's biggest claim to fame is that he is able to slide at 30 miles an hour, which is not particularly impressive, and the fact that he would generally try to avoid a direct confrontation with Spidey at all doesn't help improve his villainous image.

Considering he only once baited Spider-Man into fighting him, before getting completely thrashed, Slyde probably won't be remembered as one of the greats.


Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.