10 Strangest Versions Of The Punisher

6. Noir

Punisher Purgatory
Marvel Comics

Was the 2099 line of comics too futuristic for you? Well never fear, because Marvel has the exact opposite with the Noir comics, which are set just after World War 1. And this world also has a Punisher!

Strangely enough, this isn't Frank Castle, this is Frank Castelione Jr. Someone who was taught how to shoot by his father, who was known as an angel of death on the front lines of the war. Junior ran with a gang before standing up to them when they were going too far, but on his way home that night, he found out that his father had been killed by local gangsters.

Taking the name from his favorite radio show, Junior became the Punisher when he grew up, and used his father's weapons to hunt down the people that killed Castelione Senior. Punisher Noir was a lot smaller in scope compared to the mainline Punisher's goal, meaning it's up in the air if we'll ever see more of him. But for now, he's an interesting footnote for the Noir universe.

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