10 Strongest Versions Of Spider-Man

5. The Spider (Carnage Spider-Man) (Earth-15)

Ghost Spiderman
Marvel Comics

With 67 consecutive life sentences, Peter Parker of Earth-15 is a serial killer with the Carnage symbiote. First appearing in Exiles #12 (2002), the Spider was part of an opposing multiversal team. He seems to be his earth's Cletus Kasady as he has red hair, is a mass murder and bonds with the Carnage symbiote. Even worse is that he has a sense of humour akin to Deadpool.

With both the powers of Spider-Man and the Carnage symbiote, the Spider is extremely powerful as he can move faster and punch harder than the regular Spider-Man. Furthermore, the symbiote is a living weapon, especially in the hands of this Peter Parker, as it can create deadly weapons and projectiles. Also, the enhanced healing factor makes the Spider harder to defeat.

Fortunately, the Spider's reign of terror was put to an end by the hands of his equally villainous teammate Firestar (Earth-3062).

However, while the Spider has appeared as a background character in both Spider-Verse and Spider-Geddon, it is unclear is this is the same character from a previous point in his history or another version of the Spider. As the Spider-Verse crossovers don't seem to be stopping anytime soon, there may be a chance for the Spider to appear more in the future.


I'm a lover of all things comics, movies, videogames and TV, especially when they are steeped in science fiction, fantasy or crime. @LeOmniverse