10 Stupid Attempts At Rebranding Famous Comic Characters

9. De-Powered Martial Arts Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman has had a pretty dodgy fanbase. She was a character made primarily for guys but was adopted by feminists because she's a woman. This meant that the character has struggled to simultaneously appeal to horny nerds and hardcore feminists. This lead to the character being reinvented over and over, just one of which being the recent 'she's got pants!' fiasco. The most infamous example of this was Denny O'Neil's run on the series in the 70's. With super-spies and karate all the rage, O'Neil had Wonder Woman renounce her divinity in order to become closer to mortals. And by that I mean learn karate from a guy called I-Ching and go on covert missions in a Bruce Lee jumpsuit. Never mind the fact that as an Amazon warrior, Wonder Woman shouldn't need a self-defence class. These stories weren't bad €“ the series had beautiful art by Neal Adams and the plots were serviceable. The problem was that they weren't Wonder Woman stories. Most female fans objected due to her loss of superpowers, feeling that she was rendered impotent. It didn't help that had to be instructed by a man, despite being intended by her very creator as an instructor to men herself. Speaking of men, what were their objections to this change? Not enough cleavage. Classy.

I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams? Go to http://blackcomicguy.wordpress.com/ to read some of my thoughts on comics, film and television.