10 Stupidest X-Men Mutants Of All Time

2. Adam X The X-Treme

Rumour has it that Adam X was created as part of a bet to create the most obnoxiously X-Man possible, a character who embodied everything that was wrong with nineties comics, who nobody could ever be taken seriously. And if that rumour is true, then he would have easily won that bet. The rumour isn't true, because we just made it up, but we can't think of any other circumstances under which Adam X The X-Treme was created that wouldn't just make us sad. At least he never became the third Summers brother, as was originally planned. That was just a step too far. With his backwards baseball cap and oodles of braided rat tails in his peroxide hair, Adam X had the novel power of making people's blood boil. Not because he was such a stupid character, that was his literal mutant ability: setting fire to people's blood, so long as it was oxygenated, which meant he had to carry a bunch of ridiculous knives around so he could cut people up, make them bleed, and then set them alight from the inside. Of course he could have just killed people with the knives, but whatever. Also his own blood was acid, because why not?
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/