10 Stupidest X-Men Mutants Of All Time

3. Jubilee

Jubilation Lee is fondly remembered by those who were weaned into geekdom by the nineties X-Men cartoon. She was the audience identification character in the place of the comics' Kitty Pryde, a young new recruit to the team who was introduced to the mutant way of life at the same time viewers were. And, much like the viewers, Jubilee was surplus to requirements. Just as we watching at home would have added absolutely nothing to the core X-Men team, neither did she. Even in the stripped-down team in the cartoon, Jubilee wasn't able to do anything that helped the rest of them. She just spoke like a mallrat, wore a garish yellow trenchcoat and asked questions to trigger exposition. Her role in the comics has been much the same, since a mutant whose power is that she can shoot fireworks from her hands isn't good for much else. Recently she has gained a baby and become a vampire, because she wasn't stupid enough as it is.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/