10 Superman Villains Too Crazy For Batman V Superman

1. Mr. Mxyzptlk

Composite Superman
DC Comics

The Villain: If the Prankster is a thorn in Superman’s side then Mr. Mxyzptlk is the ultimate nuisance. Everyone’s favourite fifth-dimension imp, Mxy shows up on a whim to challenge Superman with his world-bending, albeit light-hearted games.

Despite his preposterous nature, he’s been one of Superman’s most recurring foes and is beloved by many fans for his fun-loving attitude when compared to Superman’s usual foes.

Why He Wouldn’t Work In The Film: Realistically, there seems to be few way to portray the character on film in a successful way that wouldn’t involve completely overhauling who he is. His appeal is how unbelievable and over-the-top both his personality and powers are and that doesn’t work on multiple fronts. It would be very tricky to convey his vast powers in live-action and his bombastic attitude is not really suited to a more serious film.

Despite all of this, the character was still nearly included in Superman III, so anything is possible, but we’re not holding our breaths.

Still want to see some of these guys? Which Superman villains do you think are too ridiculous for the big screen? Let us know in the comments.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.