10 Things You Didn't Know About The Green Lantern Corps

4. Batman Couldn't Wield Their Power

You would think that a ring that grants a wielder power based on willpower, imagination, intelligence and concentration would be perfect for a man like Batman to use, but it totally wasn't. Hal Jordan let him wear his for a short time in 1994's "Darkest Knight" - the results weren't good. He created a colony of bats, which went wild and made him scream, then he created a vision of his parents, which prompted Hal Jordan to tell him that he has too much a dark side to wield the ring. It shouldn't really come as a surprise to learn this, however, as Bruce Wayne has a huge amount of emotional baggage and his willpower is merely a result of his quest to exact revenge on criminals. That the ring is attuned to its wielders emotions means it isn't the kind of thing he should be given. Plus, the Batman persona was created to strike fear into the minds of criminals which, again, doesn't make him Green Lantern material - and is the reason he was approached to be a member of the Sinestro Corps, which are the Green Lanterns sworn enemies. There's also the fact that Batman is a leader who follows his own rules - he really wouldn't do well as a member of a Corps with strict behavioural criteria.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.