10 Things You Didn't Know About The Green Lantern Corps

3. Jack Black Almost Starred In A Green Lantern Movie

This is actually true - School of Rock star Jack Black really was lined up to play a Green Lantern named €œJud Plato€ in a comedic adaptation of one of DC€™s most iconic heroes (you can even find the screenplay online if you look hard enough). It was proposed by (and was going to be directed by) Robert Smigel €“ the American actor, comedian and writer known for his Saturday Night Live €œTV Funhouse€ cartoon shorts and as the puppeteer and voice behind Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. The plot would have involved a huge asteroid zooming towards Earth. Black€™s character would have used his power ring to move the Earth out of its path, which would have resulted in global-scale natural disasters occurring. Taking influence from Christopher Reeve's Superman, Jud would have fixed the problem by turning back time - like Reeve in Superman: The Movie - by conjuring up a Superman construct to recreate the famous scene. It kind of makes you appreciate the awful Ryan Reynolds movie that little bit more, no?

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.