Unlike the movie version of Star-Lord, who obviously had something of an issue with the Kree character Ronan, the comic book version has actually been an important ally of the blue alien race - and indeed a personal military adviser to Ronan himself. The most important occasion on which Star-Lord aided the Kree was when the Kree home planet of Hala had been invaded and taken over by an Ultron-led Phalanx in the Annihilation: Conquest arc. Granted, it was Star-Lord who had inadvertently led them there, but his part in fighting them of was absolutely integral, as he led a war of rebels against the alien invaders until they were defeated. He even found himself being captured and tortured by Ultron in the process of fighting for the Kree cause. It was this event that actually led to Star-Lord forming the modern version of the Guardians of the Galaxy with the intention of preventing such threats from occurring before they even begin.