10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Bane

6. He's Not Strong Without Venom

Bane DC Comics
DC Comics

The relationship between Bane and his super-serum steroids is a complicated one. While Venom does enhance Bane's already ridiculous powers, this comes at a high price - with the villain suffering from huge withdrawals if he ceases taking the drug, and from huge outbursts of rage while he does.

But Bane isn't defined by Venom - in fact, his addiction to it and overuse of it is one of the most common reasons for his downfall in the comic universe, and is explicitly shown as a huge weak spot for the villain within the Sword of Azrael series. With this in mind, it's almost more worth thinking of Venom as equal parts hindrance and help to the big man than anything else.

While a neon green steroid is never going to be played extremely realistically as a drug, seeing creators explore Bane's vice with it does really add extra dimension to the villain.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.