10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Comic Books

1. How Readers Should Consume Material

Astonishing X-Men Reading
Marvel Comics

One of the biggest barriers in place for new readers looking to get into comics is, unfortunately, the fandom itself. There isn't a shortage of gatekeeping or toxic behaviour, but while it's commonly accepted that both those things are pervade circles both online and off, there's another issue that tends to get overlooked - people telling others how they should read comics.

First off, it must be made clear that, if you can support your local comic book shop, then do so. Small, local business depends on your custom in order to survive and thrive, but not everyone is within reach of one. To many, the only way to read comics comes in the form of big, online retailers, and while they don't need your custom, they're a valuable resource for certain fans.

Likewise, the rise of digital comics has also been met with skepticism from older circles. There's no substitute for feeling print and ink between your fingers, but again, some fans might prefer to read digitally, and that's fine. There are loads of great subscription-based services for people who want to read comics, and they should never be made to feel guilty because of the way they invest in their hobby.


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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.