10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Deadpool

1. Deadpool Isn't Good With Kids

Wolverine Vs Deadpool

Of all the superhero blockbusters to have come our way in the last decade or so, Deadpool is probably the least suitable for kids. The movies have owned their source material and took a risk by going for the adult market, and it’s a risk that paid off handsomely.

Despite the fact that his stories aren’t for children, the man himself is great with them. His dealings with Yukio and Firefist in Deadpool 2 illustrate this to a point, as does his abrasive yet good natured bond with Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

This pattern is even stronger in the comics too, where child abusers receive the harshest of punishments. Deadpool might not have a code so to speak, but ‘don’t hurt kids’ is basically his number one rule.

He’s previously talked a teenage girl out of a suicide attempt, and he’s the only person who is truly in Kid Apocalypse’s corner. His arrogance and often irritating sense of humour can make Deadpool seem very selfish or self centred, but he looks out for kids whenever he can. He doesn’t have too many redeeming factors from a morality point of view, but this is certainly one of them.

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