10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Deadpool

2. His Sexuality

Wolverine Vs Deadpool
Marvel Comics

Pun intended, this one is fairly straightforward; Deadpool, despite the movie’s focus on his relationship with Vanessa and his long running fascination with Lady Death, is not straight.

That’s not to say Vanessa is his beard though. Deadpool actually identifies as pansexual, something Ryan Reynolds is keen to explore on the silver screen going forward. He’s previously admitted having a crush on Thor, something he ‘accidentally’ says out loud in the Asgardian’s presence.

Thor, as expected, doesn’t reciprocate these feelings. In fact, Deadpool has never really had any non-straight relationship, but with Reynolds drawing attention to his sexuality, that might change. Deadpool 2 did have some queer representation in the form of Teenage Negasonic Warhead and Yukio, so that’s something at least.

It makes sense, really, that Deadpool identifies this way. He’s never been worried about going his own way and has an open mindedness that suits pansexuality. That’s not to say every queer comic book character needs to be outgoing, showy and loud (indeed, the likes of Valkyrie and Moondragon aren’t), but with Deadpool’s huge personality he certainly wouldn’t be ashamed about embracing every part of himself.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)