10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Deadpool

8. He Hates Teaming Up With Other Heroes

Wolverine Vs Deadpool
Marvel Comics

Following on from his unexpected connections with other heroes, there’s another common misconception about Deadpool to set straight: he actually loves teamwork.

Most loose cannon, unpredictable wildcards like Wade prefer to work alone, but whenever there’s an opportunity to join a team, Deadpool usually takes it. The people on those teams aren’t always happy to have him on board, but that’s a different matter. The movies demonstrated this to some extent, with Deadpool bringing the likes of Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead and even Dopinder into the fold in both the original and its sequel.

In the comics, there are even more examples to be found. It’s just been mentioned that he joined the Avengers Unity Squad at Captain America’s request, but that’s far from the only time Deadpool joined forces with Marvel’s other heroes.

Sidekicks and duos are definitely more his jam than becoming a part of huge teams though. As well as Blind Al and Weasel, who each feature heavily in the movies, there’s also Bob, Agent Of Hydra, who has a brief cameo. Cable, Josh Brolin’s central antagonist in Deadpool 2, is probably his most recognisable sidekick, with the pair sharing a complex (and usually hilarious) relationship the movie only really scratched the surface of.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)