10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Deadpool

9. No Superhero Likes Him

Wolverine Vs Deadpool
Marvel Comics

Despite the fact he started out as a bad guy (and even as a hero is extremely amoral and violent), Deadpool has a surprising amount of friends in the Marvel universe. For all Wolverine absolutely hates him, many others struggle to resist his charm.

His bromance with Spider-Man is fairly well known, but he has some more unexpected friendships too. He and Hawkeye get on well together, but perhaps the biggest shock is how good his relationship with Captain America is.

Steve Rogers is probably the closest Marvel gets to a goody-two-shoes character, and while he’s able to make tough choices when needed, he certainly doesn’t revel in violence the way Wade Wilson does. Despite that, the pair of them have a bit of an odd couple thing going on whenever they team up.

There aren’t too many characters that Deadpool genuinely respects, but Captain America would certainly be top of that list. Cap reciprocates too, inviting Deadpool to join Avengers Unity Squad, sensing that he’s capable of something greater.

Of course, things all fall apart when Captain America turns into the evil Captain Hydra, but that’s an issue for another time.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)