10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Deadpool

3. Deadpool Has Always Been Funny

Wolverine Vs Deadpool
20th Century Fox

Right now, Deadpool is one of the coolest comic book characters around. While people like the Punisher have a counterculture edge that went out of fashion with pop punk in the early 2000s, Deadpool is a walking meme machine with his finger firmly on the pulse of popular culture.

These days, knowing what’s hot and what’s not is a surefire way to stay relevant. But it’s not just the changing times that have seen his popularity increase.

It might be difficult to remember now, but before the first trailer dropped, every Deadpool fan was holding their breath. It wasn’t just the general fear that it might not live up up expectations either. As George Clooney’s Batman proved way back when, even characters with a flawless track record in the comics can have terrible movies. And Deadpool does not have a flawless track record in the comics.

The movie got the tone note perfect, but Deadpool circa 2005 was much more cringy. Yelling ‘Chimichanga!’ everywhere he went, making pancakes just because and telling endless fart jokes, Deadpool was random for the sake of random. Thankfully, those days now being forgotten.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)