10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Robin

6. Robin Says "Holy...!" A Lot

Robin Dick Grayson DC Comics
DC Comics

Burt Ward uttered 359 "Holy...!" exclamations in the first series of the 1960s Batman television show. That phrase has been linked to Robin and pop culture since the early days of the show. Everyone on the planet has done a direct quote or a personalized variation for the moment but it was never that way in the comics.

In the comics, Robin was the quipper of the duo, the now-typical teen hero ready with puns or some modern slang to counteract Batman's lack of one-liners. The first utterance was in Batman #7 way back in 1941, but it was only the expression "holy cats!", which is just a variation of "holy cow!" and not something as out there as "Holy Hutzpah, Batman!"

That's right! One of the most iconic catchphrases in history has no basis with the character, save for a throwaway line from the forties.


A.J. Carey is a child of pop culture, learning to read on comic books and raised like any true '90s child on films way above his age range and network television!