10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Wolverine

1. He Can't Die

Oh, he can. Boy can he. That healing factor of his often gets mistaken as invincibility, or immortality, but Wolverine can most definitely die. Look, there was just a four issue miniseries called Death Of Wolverine, which absolutely did not have a twist ending! Obviously in that case the demise is going to be undone, since Logan is Marvel's most profitable character and they're not idiots, but it put paid to decades of people claiming that Wolverine was overpowered and couldn't ever die and that kinda made the character boring. Wolverine's actually been bumped off countless times, usually in alternate realities or timelines or whatever. He's also bought it on a few occasions in the mainstream continuity (prior to his most recent death, fittingly encased in a thick gloop of adamntium), leading to a truly bizarre €“ and swiftly forgotten €“ subplot that involved him battling the angel of death every time he got close to the light. Like literally, whenever he was suffering from a life-threatening injury, he would fight with the grim reaper in a weird netherworld. It was very strange. Anyway, Wolverine is dead. Long live Wolverine! Until the next time he dies, anyway. And in the meantime, Sabertooth will take his place. Because he is his dad. Or is he? Wait...
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/