10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About Black Widow

5. She Kicked Daredevil When He Was Down

Black Widow swimsuit
Marvel Comics

The story Guardian Devil really put the Man Without Fear through the wringer.

As part of one last attempt to be remembered as a major villain, a suicidal Mysterio decided to try and drive Daredevil insane. He did this by using his illusion powers to trick Matt into thinking a new-born baby was actually the Antichrist.

It was a story that pushed Daredevil's faith and sanity close to their breaking point, a situation that was only made worse by Bullseye also killing his ex-girlfriend Karen Page.

Throughout the story, his former lover Black Widow tried to help Daredevil and stop him from making a terrible mistake (baby murder is really bad for a comic's sales). At the end of the story, Natasha approached a physically and emotionally broken Matt Murdock and told him that she still loved him. However, she also said that he was too full of anger and that she would never get back together with him.

All things considered, her timing wasn't great. It was probably something that needed to be said, but when you want to tell someone that you won't go out with them because they're fundamentally flawed as a human being, maybe wait a bit rather than going straight in after the death of the love of their life.

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Black Widow
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I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.