10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About The Fantastic Four
8. Marvel Girl
You might know Valeria Richards as the hyper intelligent, precocious toddler of the Richards family, and unless you're super into classic FF, you probably think that her story BEGAN with her being born with the help of Doctor Doom.
Yeah, uh, that's not what happened.
Originally, Sue had a miscarriage, losing her second baby. But young Franklin was unwilling to accept that the little sister he was so ready to meet would never come, so using his godlike reality warping powers, he transported the baby that could have been to another universe, where Reed died and Sue shacked up with a reformed Doctor Doom.
Of course, Valeria found her way to the 616 universe and joined up with the Fantastic Four she was supposed to be born to, becoming the bubblegum popping rock star wildcard of the team until she decided to give herself up to have another shot at being reborn in her original universe. This is how we got the Valeria Richards we know and love.
As great a character as Marvel Girl was - spunky, fun, and incapable of taking sh*t from anyone - if Valeria is introduced in the MCU, they'll probably just skip over this part of her origin. This is a long and winding road to just arrive at "hyper intelligent four-year old"