10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About The Fantastic Four
5. Fant4stic
If you want a perfect summary of everything comic book movies get wrong about adapting their source material, you need look no further than Josh Trank's abomination, Fant4stic.
It's hard to even come up with things to say about this legendary failure of a movie, as the entire internet spent the year it came out carefully dissecting it to find out just what in God's name Trank and Fox thinking when they made it.
Absolutely nothing about its story works; Miles Teller is one of the most miscast leads in cinema history, the darker, edgier, body horror vibe falls flat on its face, it just fundamentally doesn't work.
And with the acquisition of Fox, Disney now has the ability to finally break the curse of terrible Fantastic Four movies.
As time passes, the best thing that can happen to the first family of comics is getting this movie further and further out of public consciousness.