10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About The X-Men

3. Flip-Flopped Origins

magneto x-men
Marvel Comics

Retcons happen all the time in comics. It’s an aspect we the readers all have to accept. Sometimes they can be great and bring in new dynamics. Other times, they can be terrible.

To start off with, Cannonball’s mutant origin was changed. Cable informed the New Mutant/X-Force mutant and future member of the Avengers that he was an External. In short, an External is a mutant with the added benefit of immortality. Until this new element was just dropped as it turns out it was a mistake from Cable. Cannonball was JUST a regular mutant.

Northstar and his sister Aurora found out their mother was an Elf. Which resulted in Northstar going off to live with his newly discovered family. Only to find out it was all a lie from Loki. They’re JUST mutants too.

Finally, in 2007 Romulus told Wolverine he was a Lupine instead of a mutant. Lupines are a species of humans that evolved from canines instead of simians. This change did not go down too well with fans, and for 5 years, this was considered canon... Until Romulus’ sister, Remus, told Wolverine that Romulus was lying, and Lupines aren’t actually a thing. Wolverine went back to being a near-immortal mutant. Tough life.


Jordy McKen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.