10 Things We Learned From Marvel's August Solicitations

7. House Of X And Powers Of X Seem Destined To Reshape The X-Men's World

Invisible Woman Adam Hughes
Marvel Comics

As discussed elsewhere, the return of Jonathan Hickman to the Marvel fold is a pretty big deal. After all, his work on the Fantastic Four and the Avengers, as well as Secret Wars, is some of the most important in Marvel's history, and not just the recent kind.

So, for him to return and helm not one, but two new X-Men miniseries, it's probably safe to say that there's going to be a lot of change on the horizon.

Even though details are a little thin on the ground at the moment, what is available seems to point to a complete revision of the X-Men's past, with the synopsis for Powers of X stating:

"As Xavier sows the seeds of the past, the X-Men’s future blossoms into trouble for all mutantdom. Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman continues reshaping the X-Men’s past, present and future with breakout artist R.B. Silva."

While the one for House of X promises the following:

"Learn the truth about one of the X-Men’s closest allies…and then begin the fight for the future of mutantkind! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman continues reshaping the X-Men’s world with Marvel Young Gun artist Pepe Larraz."

Both seem to mean that the X-Men that the world has known for decades might just be about to get a facelift.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.