10 Things That Will Never Happen In The DC Cinematic Universe

9. A Surprise In The Fridge

So Golden Age stories won't get adapted (at least not faithfully) because, frankly, they're too light and happy - but on the other side of that coin are the times when DC goes really dark, too dark for a PG-13 film. By way of example, we have a plot development that is fairly integral to Kyle Rayner's accepting of the Green Lantern mantle. Kyle comes home one day to find a note, signed by his girlfriend Alex, about a surprise in the refrigerator (Green Lantern Vol. 3 #54, 1994). To Kyle's horror, he finds the villain Major Force has brutally murdered Alex and stuffed her body in the fridge. It wasn't shown in great gory detail, but the implied event nonetheless set off a firestorm both in Kyle's world and in the real world, inciting various commentary on women's rights and the depiction of women in comics. This kind of thing would have to merit an R rating, even as an implied event shown offscreen. An R-rated flick within the DC Cinematic Universe isn't out of the question, but it's highly unlikely. Warner Brothers and DC want to tell good stories (maybe?) that are faithful to the comics (maybe not?), but most of all they want to make truckloads of money. Aside from infuriating parents across the globe by adding such a brutal scene, an R rating drastically reduces the size of a potential audience and, in this case, sends them to go see a Marvel film instead.

Matt is a writer and musician living in Boston. Read his film reviews at http://motionstatereview.wordpress.com.