10 Things You Didn't Know About Magneto

4. He First Appeared On TV Before The X-Men

New Fantastic Four Magneto

Wherever the X-Men go, you can be sure that Magneto is somewhere lurking in the wings. The long-time villain has put in an appearance in every television and film adaptation of the team to date, as well as appearing in the vast majority of X-Men and Marvel based computer games. But while the X-Men had to wait until the early 90s for their television debut, their oldest villain got there first.

Magneto managed to put in a one-off appearance in the 1978 cartoon, The New Fantastic Four. Although not referred to as a mutant in the episode, Magneto retained his usual powers. He even managed to briefly take control of the team. But despite his powers, Magneto didn't have much in the way of aspirations beyond a bank robbery, and was eventually defeated by Reed Richards using a wooden gun. Also, instead of flying,this version of Magneto transports himself in a special car which he moves using his magnetic powers.

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X-Men Magneto
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With a (nearly) useless degree in English literature and a personal trainer qualification he's never used, Freddie spends his times writing things that he hopes will somehow pay the rent. He's also a former professional singer, and plays the saxophone and ukulele. He's not really used to talking about himself in the third person, and would like to stop now, thanks.