10 Things You Didn't Know About Spider-Gwen

4. The Inspiration For The Character Came From Her Death in 616

Spider Gwen

After Spider-Gwen debuted in Spider-Verse, the character grew so popular among fans that editor Nick Lowe asked writer and artist Jason Latour to continue the character’s story in her own series. But Latour wasn’t instantly sold. He felt like Gwen Stacy was a character who should stay dead in the Spider-Man continuity, as it is what most people know her for.

However, he didn't say no instantly. Instead, he slept on it while asking himself what he knew about Gwen other than a death scene primarily used as character development for Spider-Man. And then, it hit him; he didn’t know anything.

So, with this in mind, Latour sought out to create a Gwen Stacy who wouldn’t be known just her death - and instead he wrote her as a strong female superhero who stood out among the the men who dominated the medium.

This is how Spider-Gwen #1 came to be, releasing to critical acclaim and becoming one of the bestselling comic books of that month.

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