10 Things You Didn't Know About Spider-Gwen

2. She Bonded With The Venom Symbiote

Spider Gwen

Realizing the isotopes wouldn’t last forever, Gwen sought the help of Kingpin Matt Murdock. With the help of him and scientist Elsa Brock, they managed to fuse the Lizard serum with her isotopes to create the Venom symbiote. But this one is different from the main universe Venom - for starters, it’s not as powerful - but it can still camouflage Gwen, have her grow talons and do limited shapeshifting.

While this sounds cool at first, it does come with all the side effects you expect from Venom. Including higher aggressiveness and anger. Not to mention it's weak to loud sounds; something Frank Castle uses against Gwen when hunting her.

To make matters worst, Venom started to take control of Gwen, stripping her of her humanity and temporarily transforming her into Gwenom - a ruthless anger-filled creature that only kills.

Her rage turned greater when she learned that Kingpin Matt Murdock betrayed her and had her father attacked—causing her to take down The Hand single-handedly. She almost kills Murdock, but right before she does so she regains control over the symbiote and prevents herself from doing something she'd regret.

But her issues were far from over.

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