10 Things You Need To Know About The Future Of DC Comics
5. Kyle Rayner Is Probably Dead
Spare a thought for poor Kyle Rayner. For that brief, wonderful decade where DC fully committed to the idea of legacy superheroes The Flash mantle being passed onto a younger Wally West from Barry Allen, Batman managing to let Jean-Paul Valley take his mantle for a bit it really seemed like he was going to be the one true Green Lantern going forward. He didn't reckon with writer Geoff Johns, who wasted no time in replacing Kyle with his predecessor, Hal Jordan. The New 52 reboot confused things further, with Kyle now apparently a member of the White Lantern Corps who hopefully don't speak avout the concept white power a lot. Awkward. None of that matters now anyway, because Kyle is almost certainly dead himself. A sneak peek at new book the Omega Men sees Rayner being offed by a group of intergalactic terrorists, in a prolonged scene that uncomfortably mirrors the recent ISIS beheading videos. That means the future DC is Kyle-less, and has a cosmic ISIS on the cards. Eep.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/