10 Things You Need To Know About X-Men's Domino

2. She Was Briefly Part Of The X-Men

Domino xmen
Marvel Comics

After Scarlet Witch depowered 90% of the world's mutants, the remainder banded together as a single community, eventually founding the island nation of Utopia.

It was split in half again though, when Wolverine left with a group of mutants to found the Jean Grey Institute. Domino was one of the ones who remained on Utopia.

With a lot of core members missing, Domino was drafted into a team of X-Men led by Storm, along with Psylocke, Jubilee and fellow X-Force alumni Warpath. The team's mission was to act as security for Utopia, keeping the island safe from threats.

As a part of the team, Domino discovered a plot to attack Utopia with an army of new sentinels. Domino was able to warn the team, but was seemingly killed in the process. However, she then completely revived, possibly thanks to her powers (also possibly every X-Man seems to be allowed at least one completely unexplained return from death) and helped take down the sentinels.

Domino served as a member of the X-Men until the team was disbanded following Avengers vs. X-Men. She then went back to being a member of X-Force.

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