10 Times Batman Was Humiliated

5. Getting Beat By Wonder Woman - Wonder Woman: Hiketeia

Batman - Wonder Woman Boot
DC Comics

Given that Wonder Woman is a ripped demi-God with approximately a third of the morals of Superman, it's fair to say that simply being beaten in a fight by Diana Price is not the most humiliating defeat, as far as opponents go.

As such, the reason that Batman's defeat at the hands of Wonder Woman in The Hiketeia is humiliating isn't just about him being beat - although he is absolutely decimated. No, it's more about the way Batman reacts to it.

Because Batman - the Goddamn Batman, patron badass for countless hopeful dorky souls - kisses Wonder Woman's ankles while on his knees from being beaten, while trying to call on an ancient practice that would put him into her protection.

In short, Batman tries that which can only be described as coward behavior, and it leaves both Wonder Woman and the reader more than a little embarrassed for the Dark Knight afterwards.


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