10 Times Batman Was Humiliated

4. Getting Himself Addicted To Venom - Batman: Venom

Batman - Wonder Woman Boot
DC Comics

Were Batman to have just suffered from drug addiction in the course of Batman: Venom, there'd be precisely nothing humiliating about it - as, in fact, similar storylines revolving around Iron Man overcoming his addiction to alcohol served to make Tony Stark appear far stronger than before.

However, the plot of Venom has Batman get addicted to the substance Bane uses for superstrength purposefully, and despite being fully aware that trying to be Batman while doped up to the eyeballs is the worst idea imaginable.

As such, the side effects that overtake him - such as him becoming way more violent, and manically laughing while trying to look brooding - are things that he was totally aware would happen, which is why it seems so silly that the World's Greatest Detective is so surprised when they show up.

This all said, when he decides to quit Venom he manages to grow a full badass beard in a month, which sort of redeems him, through sheer follicle fortitude alone.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.