10 Times Constantine Outsmarted Everyone

4. Talked God Into Reviving Him - Hellblazer #128

John Constantine Doctor Fate
DC Comics

Given his line of work, it only makes sense that Constantine has died his fair share of times. And almost every time, the powers of Heaven and Hell have entered into a tug of war over who gets him.

In Hellblazer #128, when Constantine had ended up on the wrong end of the afterlife once again, he found himself confronted with an emissary of the almighty.

Obviously, John is going to Hell, this list alone is proof of that, but for story reasons, John isn't ready to bite it yet, so he plays literally the only card he has left: he tells the emissary - and by extension God himself - that leaving him in Hell is the worst decision he could make for anybody.

See, God's plan to stave off the end war told of in Revelations has been to keep Hell fighting amongst itself with three equally viable claims to the throne. But Constantine claims that given, oh, 500 years or so, he'd be running the place. And then Heaven would have an organized and disciplined Hell coming after them.

Perspective thus gained, God returns him to life.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?