10 Times Daredevil Was Forced To Kill

6. Kicked Typhoid Mary Out A Window

This is another one that got retconned, but back in the day, it really seemed like Matt Murdock kicked a sex worker out of a window and accidentally killed her during an early vigilante outing. Obviously this is in Frank Miller territory €“ dead women, especially in the sex trade, always smacks of Miller €“ in origin story Man Without Fear. The 1993 mini-series, written by Miller and drawn by John Romita Jr and Al Williamson, retells Daredevil's origins in greater detail, and greater grimness. If you're thinking that sounds almost exactly like Batman: Year One, then you've probably figured out what Frank Miller's one-sentence pitch was. One incident in the story involves a pre-Daredevil Matt Murdock, concealing his face with a ski mask, breaking into a brothel and beating up the pimp. The women, concerned they won't get paid, pile on Murdock and in the fray he kicks one out a window. Her death haunts him throughout the series...until it gets retconned as Typhoid Mary's origin story.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/