10 Times Spider-Man Was Forced To Kill

2. Doctor Octopus, Lost Like Tears In The Rain

spiderman octopus
Marvel Comics

Whilst there are a few good old fashioned actual murders on his hands, there's nothing Spider-Man likes more than wiping somebody from existence entirely. So that's a thing. It happened with The Shade in the astral plane, it's effectively what he did to Drom The Backwards Man, and it was the eventual fate that befell Doctor Octopus not so long ago, either.

To be fair, Ock did it first. The Superior Spider-Man series began with the wallcrawler's long time villain dying, swapping his mind with Peter Parker's, and leaving Pete to effectively expire in his body. With some of his memories in tact, however, he turned over a new leaf and endeavoured to put his evil genius intellect into being the best Spider-Man he could be. Which worked out for a while, if only for a couple of hiccups.

Specifically, remnants of Peter's mind remained in his body, with Ock mostly ignoring him until it turned out he made a massive mistake, and allowed the original Spider-Man full control over his body by wiping himself away.

Doc Ock has since mounted another comeback as the Superior Spider-Man, but it's likely his disintegration was the deciding factor in choosing a different host body this time around.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/