10 Times Spider-Man Was Forced To Kill

3. Benjamin Button'd Drom The Backwards Man

Spiderman Iron Fist
Marvel Comics

If that whole eating Morlun because it's part of the circle of life of the Spider Totem thing wasn't weird enough for you, then the unfortunate fate of Drom The Backwards Man must surely take the cake for the most bizarre death that's pretty much Spider-Man's fault.

Once again in the pages of Marvel Team-Up and this time with Iron Fist, issue 31 is full of OTT action. It's also the debut for Drom The Backwards Man who, much like Moondark The Magician, was tragically fated never to make another appearance. Which probably wasn't going to happen anyway, with such an unwieldy gimmick: he speaks backwards, and absorbs energy from people. Which is why he goads Spidey and Iron Fist into duking it out.

As is the usual case with these things, the pair realise they've been duped and then set their sights on the one pulling their strings. Apparently he's some sort of supervillain Benjamin Button, his ageing process controlled through a magical mirror. Which the heroes promptly smash over his head, releasing all his stolen energy and causing Drom to rapidly reverse-age into nothing, effectively killing him.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/