10 Times Spider-Man Was The DARKEST Marvel Comic

7. Being Taken Over By Doc Ock - Amazing Spider-Man #700

Spider-Man Broken
Marvel Comics

Superheroes being consumed or taken over by the evil forces in their worlds isn't anything new in the world of comic books. It's fair to say that they have had a mixed bag of results over history, in fact.

That said, Amazing Spider-Man issue #700 goes out of its way to make its mark as one of the darkest and powerful examples of this trope being done really well.

The comic acts as culmination of Doc Ock's plans to trade bodies with Peter Parker and become Superior Spider-Man. With Ock's original body slowly wasting away after years of action, the stakes are raised to the ultimate level throughout and do actually culminate in a harrowing victory for the Doc, thanks to a needlessly bloody beating of Parker.

Peter Parker dies in Ock's decaying body and arguably the most infamous of his enemies gets to go on living his life as the world's best Webhead. What makes this depressing finale all the more desolate is the fact that Peter's loved ones, namely Mary Jane, continue to see this imposter as the real Spider-Man.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.