10 Times The Avengers Ruined Bruce Banner's Life

9. Making Him Leave The Avengers - Avengers #2

Hulk Captain America Shield
Marvel Comics

Generally in modern comics, when the topic of how the Hulk first left the Avengers is brought up, it's made out that it was a decision that the Avengers made together - either because the bottle-green brute was too violent for the team, or because from a political standpoint Captain America better suited the team.

However, when you look at what actually happened in the Avengers #2, things are very different. Instead of being jousted out, the Hulk actually leaves of his own accord, as he realises that his teammates all harbour a secret fear and distrust of him, which makes him upset enough that he quits on the spot at the end of the issue.

And it may have been the right call, as the Avengers don't appear at all sad to see him go - with the Wasp even saying 'thank god' the minute the Hulk tells them he's leaving.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.